New Short Story Up: The Bargain
It’s been a while since I’ve added any of my writing to the website, and so today I posted a short story I wrote recently called The Bargain. It’s not long so I won’t spoil what it’s about, but it’s got some light horror elements to it. It mostly came from an idea that has been rattling around in my head for some time, and it felt good to get it out and on the page. Hope you enjoy it!
And as a writing update, I’ve finished the first draft of my second book, which is exciting! This draft did get cut short though since I decided to make some major changes with the next one which will need a lot of rewriting and editing. To be honest, it’s more of a half-draft then a first draft, but hey, I’m trying to stay positive in this whole process. In a way, this short story was me taking a break from the book, but it’s time to stop procrastinating and get back in there. Second draft here I come!
Thanks for reading!
Link to the short story: https://cameroncorder.com/index.php/thebargain/